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Summoning Our Saints
Herman Beavers


Summoning Our Saints: the Poetry and Prose of Brenda Marie Osbey

by John Wharton Lowe

Rowman & Littlefield | Lexington Books September 2019



















John Wharton Lowe is author/editor of such works as Calypso Magnolia: the Crossccurrents of Caribbean and Southern Literature (University of North Carolina Press, 2016), Conversations with Ernest Gaines (University Press of Mississippi) and The Future of Southern Letters (Oxford).


He has published widely on African American, Native American, Italian American, and transnational and circumCaribbean literatures, and is the recipient of the MELUS Lifetime Achievement Award for Distinguished Contributions to Ethnic Literary Studies. He has served as president of the Society for the Study of Southern Literature (SSSL), the Southern American Studies Association, and others.


Lowe was previously Robert Penn Warren Professor of English and Comparative Literature & founding director of the Program in Louisiana & Caribbean Studies at Louisiana State University; Visiting Guest Lecturer for the Facultät für Linguistik und Literaturwissenschaft at the Universität Bielefeld; and has also taught at the University of Munich, Saint Mary's, Harvard, and Columbia universities.













"Feeding the Gulf Dead:

an Ofrenda of Response


Brenda Marie Osbey's

All Saints and All Souls"


by Keith Cartwright and Dolores Flores Silva:


Ofrenda Part 1 


Ofrenda Part 2



​  Sacral Grooves, Limbo Gateways: Travels in Deep Southern Time,

       Circum-Caribbean Space, Afro-creole Authority

by  Keith Cartwright  

University of Georgia Press, 2013. 


Southscapes: Geographies of Race, Region and Literature

by Thadious M. Davis

University of North Carolina Press, 2011.


Forms of Expansion: Recent Long Poems by Women

by Lynn Keller

University of Chicago Press, 1997.


The Future of Southern Letters,

edited by Jefferson Humphries and John Lowe

Oxford, 1996.


Literary Reference Works:


Dictionnaire des Créatrices, Éditions des Femmes, 2011.


The Oxford Companion to African American Literature, 1997.


Dictionary of Literary Biography.


Contemporary Authors.

​© 2022 Brenda Marie Osbey

Legal Representation by

Roy J. Rodney, Jr.

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