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 Spring Collegiate Summit:

Poetry without Boundaries

Furious Flower Poetry Center

Thursday 22-- Saturday 24  March

James Madison University

Harrisonburg, Virginia



University of Georgia

Athens, Georgia


The College of William & Mary

Williamsburg, Virginia




Clara I. Adams Honors College

Morgan State University,

Baltimore, Maryland



Society for the Study of Southern Literature (SSSL) Conference presents:

A Scholarly Panel on the Works of Brenda Marie Osbey,

with Reading by the Author, Discussion to follow

Friday 11 March 3:30--6:20 p.m.

Boston University

Photonics Center 8 St. Mary's Street (off Commonwealth Ave.),

Boston, Massachusetts



"Feeding the Gulf Dead: an Ofrenda of Response to Brenda Marie Osbey's All Saints and All Souls"

by Keith Cartwright and Dolores Flores Silva:

Ofrenda Part 1 

Ofrenda Part 2


Public Reading and Conversation:

“An Ethics of History and Memory”: All Souls

The Diggs Gallery and Winston-Salem State University, North Carolina



Joint signing and reading from

ALL SOULS: Essential Poems


James B. Borders IV, author of

Marking Time, Making Place:

an Essential Chronology of Blacks in New Orleans since 1718

Saturday 27 February 5:00 p.m.

Community Book Center, 2523 Bayou Road, New Orleans


Selected Readings and Other Presentations: Spring/Summer 2015


July, "Poetry as the Language of History" Poetry Reading and Symposium, Don't Deny My Voice: Black Poetry after the Black Arts Movement, University of Kansas, Lawrence.


June, Dora Maar Fellowship Reading, Ménerbes, France.


April, John W. and Anna Hodgin Hanes Symposium Reading and Conversation with Brenda Marie Osbey, Winston-Salem State University, North Carolina.


April, National Poetry Month Reading, Departments of English and Luso-Afro-Brazilian Studies and Theory, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth.



Autumn 2014:


November 2014, Center for the Study of Slavery and Department of Africana Studies, Brown University.


Wednesday–Saturday 24–27 September, James Madison University, Furious Flower African American Poetry Conference, Harrisonburg, Virginia


Wednesday–Friday 15–17 October, l'Université de Toulouse II–Jean Jaurès (le Mirail): Les Amériques Noires, Identités et Représentations, Toulouse

Spring 2014:


Wednesday 16 April, University of Pennsylvania, Center for Africana Studies Brave Testimony Poetry Series, Philadelphia


Friday 11 April, University of Rochester, The Trouble with Post-Blackness Conference, Rochester, NY


Thursday 27 March 12:00 noon, Langston Hughes Society Award, Langston Hughes Society Luncheon, College Language Association (CLA) Convention, Marriott Hotel on Convention Center Boulevard, New Orleans


Tuesday–Wednesday 18–19 March, Poet-in-Residence,

New Orleans Center for the Creative Arts (NOCCA)


Tuesday 4 February 7:30 p.m. Tulane University, New Orleans.

The Ian Zelazny Writers Series presents

a Reading by Brenda Marie Osbey

Freeman Auditorium of the Woldenberg Art Center,

Reception to follow at the Newcomb Faculty Lounge




Thursday 27 June 6:00 p.m. Maple Street Book Shop (Bayou Saint John Branch)
3141 Ponce de Leon Street, New Orleans


Saturday 13 April 4:00 p.m. Community Book Center, New Orleans


Tuesday 30 April 5:30 p.m. The Cabildo, New Orleans  

                                          sponsored by Faulkner House Books and the Louisiana State Museum


Wednesday 17 April 5:30 p.m. Brown University Bookstore, Providence


Saturday 13 April 4:00 p.m. Community Book Center, New Orleans

Thursday 11 April 6:00 p.m. Octavia Books, New Orleans


Monday 8 April 12:00 p.m. Vanderbilt University, Nashville 


Saturday 23 March 4:00 p.m. Tennessee Wms/New Orleans Lit. Festival



Selected Events:


April 30, 2012
Conversations in Africana Writing: the Poetics of Social Justice

A Reading and Dialogue featuring South African Poet Laureate Keorapetse Kgositsile and (former) Louisiana Poet Laureate Brenda Marie Osbey.


December 1, 2011
Panel Discussion
Africana Studies and the Fate of the Humanities

Brown University, co-sponsored by the Cogut Center for the Humanities.


September 26, 2011
Conversations in Africana Writing: Voice and Memory in the Poetic Imagination: A Dialogue with Chinua Achebe, Brenda Marie Osbey and Gabriel Okara, Brown University.


29 August 2010


Poetry Society of America Remembering Katrina, Tulane University, New Orleans



20th Annual Natchez Literary and Cinema Celebration, Natchez, Mississippi, February 2009.



Delta Community College, University of Louisiana—Monroe, February 2009.



2008 Center for Analysis and Research on the Anglosaxon World (CARMA) Conference on "Other-ing" sponsored by l'Université Louis Lumière – Lyon II, France and the United States Embassy, Lyon, May 2008.



l’Association Française d’Études Américaines (AFEA), Keynote Address: 2008 Annual Conference of the French Association for American Studies. Theme: “South/s” Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier III, Montpellier, France, May 2008.



Collège Pierre de Fermat Université de Toulouse, France, June 2008.



International School of Toulouse, Colomiers, France, June 2008.



“Ending the International Slave Trade: A Bicentenary Inquiry,” Carolina Lowcountry and Atlantic World (CLAW) Institute and Department of English, College of Charleston, March 2008.

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