Prof. Brenda Marie Osbey
1967 Research-Arts Seminar
is a Humanities/Africana Studies/Research/Arts seminar
that takes as its point of origin the narrative historical poem
On the Semi-Centenary of the Desegregation of the College of William & Mary
(2018, 2019)
Placing special emphasis on the historical and cultural background research
and re/source materials comprising the supporting Glossary and Notes,
1967 examines the crucial role of African American resistance, arts, and activism
in changing the political and cultural landscape of the United States in that pivotal year.
Employing available print, audiovisual, and archival resources, seminar members undertake guided research leading to a combined paper-project proposal. Alongside the final paper, seminar members produce original works in their chosen media – literary, performance (including interactive/online), plastic arts, media arts, etc, and may include individual and collaborative projects. The seminar ends with submission of the final paper, and presentations of work to the department, university and local communities for critique and discussion of the research-creative process and execution.
The course website includes Syllabus, Course Outline, links to Required Reading/Listening/Viewing, Paper-Project Guidelines, & more.
Brenda Marie Osbey is an author, editor, translator, and professor of literature and Africana Studies.
Read full bio.
Signature courses include:
Free Your Funky Mind!
BAM! Black Arts Movement
African Poetry since WWII
Black New Orleans Archival Research Seminar (Black NOLA)
History, Archives, & Narrative Poetry
Modernist Africana Poetry of the Americas (MAPA)
Preview the critical volume Summoning Our Saints: The Poetry and Prose of Brenda Marie Osbey
by John Wharton Lowe (Rowman & Littlefield/Lexington Books, 2019).
Watch the video "Feeding the Gulf Dead: an Ofrenda of Response to Brenda Marie Osbey's All Saints and All Souls" by Keith Cartwright and Dolores Flores Silva.
™ and ©2018, 2020
by Brenda Marie Osbey
All Rights Reserved.
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